Trace Reporting

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Trace Reporting

Traceability Information for Sold Products is available through the Trace Recall Report.

Reports > Inventory > Recall Trace


Important Notices:

The Traceable Information search options are determined by questions flagged as Recall Selection.

Trace reporting only searches through posted invoice data, open orders and in stock information is not available on this report.



Customers: Restrict to information invoiced to the selected customers.

Categories: Restrict to items belonging to the selected categories

Brand: Restrict to items belonging to the selected brand.

Items: Restrict to the selected items.

Trace #: Restrict to the entered trace ID#

Expiration: This is a sample of a question set to recall selection yes, any question can be added as a recall selection.

Vendor: Restrict to items belonging to the selected vendor.

Invoice and Order Date Ranges: Restrict to invoices falling within these date parameters

Print Trace Questions and Answers: Will display all questions and answers on the report output.



As shown above, if a question is skipped during receiving the information is blank in the recall report.  (Trans was skipped when trace ID# 2 and 3 were generated).