Traceability and Recall

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Traceability and Recall

Food Connex Cloud offers several options for traceability in the system.


Serial and Date based Recall

Serial and Date based recall is available through the Inventory Recall report and is based on posted sales date with the ability to include serial and date based information captured by SWAMI during the scanning process.

Single Entry Traceability

Single entry traceability provides a single text field that can be filled during order entry or invoicing order line.  Recall reports can generated from the Recall Trace report.

Label Based Traceability - *Premium Option*

Label based traceability provides users with a question and answer utility during receiving that generates trace identification labels.  During the fill and ship process these labels can be scanned or the trace id number can be manually entered to link the sold product with the purchase order and questions.  This creates the one-up/one-down traceability link enabling users to track product from vendor to customer.