Purchase Orders

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Purchase Orders

To create and edit a purchase order navigate to:

Inventory > Processing > Purchase Order > Purchase Order


Adding a New Purchase Order

Click +New in the bottom left corner.

Edit the purchase order header fields.

PO Header Fields

Transaction Date

Date to apply to the receiving transaction.


Selected from Vendors list


Date inventory is expected to arrive for receiving.


Amount of freight charge to apply to the purchase order.  This can be per pound, per case or total freight entry.


Selected from the Warehouse list


Selected from the Terms list


Selected from the Ship Methods list



Editing an Existing Purchase Order


Existing purchase orders can be navigated and opened by:

Clicking the left pointing blue arrow to go to the previous purchase order

Clicking the right pointing blue arrow to go to the next purchase order

Clicking the green file folders to open the purchase order search window
The order search window allows searching by customer or order number and is the fastest way to navigate open orders
Changing the status drop down (currently showing Open) will narrow the search to include only orders of the selected status


Adding Items to a Purchase Order


Adding items from the search line (dotted line to the right of the + in green circle)

Search by any part of the item code or item description.

Arrow key down to select the desired item.

Tab to move to the quantity field

Input desired quantity

Tab to move to the unit of measure field.

Left or right arrow key to change the unit of measure.

Tab to move to the cost field.

Input the desired cost.

Check the Update Orders box if you wish existing sales orders to be updated with the current costs when the purchase order is posted.

Enter key to commit the line item.


Adding items from the historical purchase guide (green background area below the search line)

The purchase order guide must be enabled in the Vendors File to use this feature.

Click on an order line.

Up or down arrow key to move to the next or previous order guide item.

Input quantity to order.

Tab to unit of measure or price field to change.

Enter key or navigate to another line item to commit the order.


Receiving Items on a Purchase Order


Navigate to the purchase order using the instructions above.

Click Rec Po (Receive Purchase Order) button in the bottom right of the purchase order screen.

Click into the Rec Qty (Receive Quantity) column of the item on the purchase order you are ready to receive.

Enter the quantity received.

Tab to the weight column (for catch weight items)

Enter the weight received

Arrow key up or down to navigate between line items

Once all items have been received post the purchase order.


Receiving Items on a Purchase Order with SWAMI Barcode Scanning
This is an optional module and may not be available on your system.

Navigate to the purchase order using the instructions above.

Click Rec Po (Receive Purchase Order) button in the bottom right of the purchase order screen.

Click Scan Mode button in the bottom center of the screen.

Scan barcode of product to be received.

Scanning window will display:

oItem ID and Description if UPC is recognized

oCode scanned if UPC is not recognized

oSerial Number if Available

oProduct Date if Available

oWeight of Catch Weight Product

oCount of Items Scanned (9 of 10 in example above)

oUnit of Measure of the Code Scanned (CS: Case in the example above)

Continue scanning product until purchase order is completely received.

Press Esc or click the button to end scan mode.