Promotional Pricing and Specials

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Promotional Pricing and Specials

Promotional pricing can be set by navigating to:

Pricing > Promotions


Click +Add to create a new promotion.

Click search and select to edit an existing promotion.


Editing a Promotion

Promotion Header

Promo Code

Identifies Promotion


Will display on Invoice

Effective Date

Start date of promotion

Expiration Date

End date of promotion


GL Account Promotion should be sent to.

Promo Items


Search by item ID or Description

Customer or Group

Promotion will only apply to selected customer or customers belonging to selected group.


Discount amount based on billing unit of measure for the item.


Set Promotion Header Information

Add Items to Promotion, Click the + in the green circle to commit the item.

Use the - sign in the red circle to remove an item from the promotion.


Promotions in Order Entry

Promotions will display as line item discounts on the Order Entry Screen and will show on the Order Acknowledgement and Invoice with the Promotion's Description.



