Setting Prices

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Setting Prices

Important Notices:

Price refers to the price your customer will be billed when purchasing from you.

Customers will receive the lowest price they qualify for if they qualify for multiple pricing options.


Last Price Posted (Historical Pricing)

Enable the last price posted option by navigating to:

System > Config > Config Maint > Search: computer price last price

One of the easiest pricing models to implement and a common starting point for clients new to sales automation.  Food Connex Cloud will prefill the pricing column during order entry with the last posted price that particular customer paid for the item.


Price List (Unlimited Levels of Set Pricing)

An unlimited number of price lists can be created.  Each customer can be assigned to a single price list.  Price lists accept a single price per list per item.  


Price lists can be created by navigating to:

Pricing > Price Lists


Once a price list has been created assign customers to the price list by navigating to:

Customers > Master Maintenance > Select Customer > Pricing Tab


Prices for each item can be set for the price list by navigating to:

Inventory > Files > Master Maintenance > Select Item > More Tabs > Price Lists Tab

Before setting the initial prices be sure to click the New button and set an effective and ending date.  Failing to set an effecting and ending date will result in a permissions error when attempting to set price.

Price lists can also be updated using the cost load feature.


Price Formula (Unlimited Levels of Cost Calculated Pricing)

An unlimited number of price formulas can be created.  Each price formula is attached to a price list level and an item.  Price formulas can be calculated by percentage markup, gross profit margin, or straight dollar markup.  Price formulas can be based on the following cost options Market, Invoice, True, Salesperson, or Average cost.


Create a price list by navigating to:

Pricing > Price Lists


Once a price list has been created assign customers to the price list by navigating to:

Customers > Master Maintenance > Select Customer > Pricing Tab


The formulas can now be created by navigating to:

Pricing > Formulas

Click +Add to create a new formula.

Enter a Formula Code and Description.

Select a Cost Basis from the cost options.

Select a Calculation Method
Dollar: A straight dollar value markup.
Percent: Markup based on straight percentage of cost.
Margin: Margin uses the following formula
    Price = Cost / (100%-Markup Value)

Click +Add to choose a price list level for the formula.

Enter the dollar, percent or margin amount.

To Charge for Broken Case click the checkbox
Choose Method and Broken Case Charge Amount
This upcharge is cumulative with standard pricing.


Select the formula to be used for each item by navigating to:

Inventory > Files > Master Maintenance > Select Item > More Tabs > Formula Prices

Once selected refreshing the screen will display the calculated formula prices.


Price Keys (Unlimited 'Contract' Pricing, Set or Calculated Pricing)

Price keys allow for the greatest degree of flexibility in pricing, but also take the largest amount of time to setup and maintain.  Price keys allow for individual items to have individual pricing calculations for a set time frame and can be assigned to one or multiple customers.  A single customer can also have multiple price keys assigned to them.


Create a price key by navigating to:

Pricing > Pricekey

Click the +Add button in the bottom right corner to create a new price key

Fill in a Price Key Code and Description

On the Pricekey Items Tab click +Add to add a new item to the price key

Price Key Item Fields



Select an item, F5 lookup enabled


Required: Starting date for pricing


Required: Ending date for pricing

Retail Price

Information field only, does not affect price

Price Key Item Fields

Price Calculation


This is the cost pricing will be based on.  The base cost can be entered manually if the Cost field below is left blank.  The unit of measure field to the right indicates what UOM the cost will be based on.


System Cost Options to base the calculation on: Invoice, True, Salesperson, Average, Market, <None>.


The markup value.


Dollar: A straight dollar value markup.
Percent: Markup based on straight percentage of cost.

Margin: Margin uses the following formula

Price = Cost / (100%-Markup Value)

Price Key Item Fields

Broken Case Price Calculation


Markup Value in addition to standard markup if an item is a broken case, sold as an each when a case quantity is available.  This markup is cumulative.


Dollar: A straight dollar value markup.
Percent: Markup based on straight percentage of cost.

Margin: Margin uses the following formula

Price = Cost / (100%-Markup Value)