Price Key Export and Import

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Price Key Export and Import

Beta Test Feature


Requires a current version of Microsoft Excel (365).


Pricing > Pricekey > (Select Pricekey) > Import (New) Tab

Click Export(Backup) Current Pricekey
Excel file will generate to allow for updates

Save Excel file to computer

Click "Choose a file" and select saved Excel file

Click Upload File (filename will clear when complete)

Click Print Register (review PDF for overview of changes)
Click Post Button





Excel Format Detail:


Column - Information

A - Pricekey Code - Do not change

B - Status - Do not change

oNo Change - No change has been made

oChanged - Change has been made

oNew Item Added - A new item has been added

oError: An error has been detected in the line

C - Item Code

oDo not change if pre-filled with item code

oSelect from valid item codes to add a new item to price key

D - Description - Will fill automatically with valid item code entered. - Do Not Change

E - Active - y or n

F - Effective Date

G - End Date

H - Cost Base

ot - True Cost

os - Salesperson Cost

om - Market Cost

oi - Invoice Cost

oa - Average Cost

oo - Override (use cost manually entered in column i)

I - Cost Override Value - Only used for cost base o

J - Cost (based on lookup or override) - Do Not Change

K - Markup Type

op - Percentage of Cost

om - Gross profit margin (may not be greater or equal to 100%)

od - Dollar value

L - Markup - Dollar value or percentage

M - Calculated Price - Do Not Change

N - Calculated Profit - Do Not Change

O - Calculated Profit Margin - Do Not Change

P - Retail Price

Q - Broken Case Markup Type

op - Percentage of Cost

om - Gross profit margin (may not be greater or equal to 100%)

od - Dollar value

R - Markup - Dollar value or percentage

S - Calculated Broken Case Price

T - Pricing Unit of Measure

Columns U - AE - Original Data Exported for Pricekey lines - Do Not Change

Tab: Report Data - Item Data for lookup - Do Not Change