Label Printing - Purchase Orders

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Label Printing - Purchase Orders

Label printing is a premium module.  Please contact your sales team at 215 794 7008 to enable this feature.


Label Printing from Weigh Mode


Click on the description of a PO line to select the item.

Lot : A free form lot information field.

Trace # : Allows selection of a Trace ID (see Traceability).  This is normally hidden.
Date : Based on system configuration option this will print on the label as pack date, or be used to calculate the sell/freeze by date.
Print Label Checkbox : If checked a label will print, if unchecked inventory will be received without printing labels.

UOM: CS or EA, controls which GTIN will print on the label.

QTY:  If quantity is greater than 1 then labels will print without a weight.

Weight: If quantity is 1, label will print with weight.

Reload Images: If using images on label this will send the images to the printer.  This normally only needs to be done once per printer.