Touchscreen Interface

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Touchscreen Interface

The Food Connex touchscreen interface is available with the Pick and Pack tier of Food Connex.  At least one touchscreen device, area, and container must be setup before using the touchscreen utilities.  System configuration options to set the default accounts for Pull Stock and Case Break adjustments must also be created.


System Configuration Options

Pull Stock Return Reason

Case Break Return Reason

Touchscreen Device

Inventory > Files > Touch Screen Menu > Touch Screen

Press +Add to create a new touchscreen device.


Touchscreen Code

Touchscreen Description


On Screen Keyboard

Restrict to Packing Areas


Press +Add to assign areas to the touchscreen.

Touchscreen Areas

Inventory > Files > Touch Screen Menu > Areas

Press +Add to create a new touchscreen area.

Touchscreen Containers

Inventory > Files > Touch Screen Menu > Containers

Container Code



Container Assignment - Item File

Inventory > Files > Master Maintenance > Select Item > Setup Tab

If selected in the container field the container will be used by default on the touchscreen.