Standing Orders

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Standing Orders

Standing Orders

Secured Resource: Standing Orders for Quotes
When enabled a new set of options will appear in the header area for orders with payment type: Quote
On the quote enter the quantities desired for the standing order.
Select the weekly frequency for orders.  Options available are:
All - Will create an order weekly on the days selected.
Even - Will create an order on even weeks based on ISO standard through 2026
Odd - Will create an order on odd weeks based on ISO standard through 2026
Weekday Checkboxes (Saturday through Sunday) - Select a checkbox for the Date Needed desired.  When selected an additional box will display to allow entry of how many days ahead of that day the order should create.
Days Ahead (shown to right of selected Friday day in sample) - Sets the number of days ahead of the Date Needed that a standing order should be created.  If set to 0 it will create on the morning of the Date Needed, if set 1 day ahead as in the example it will create on Thursday morning for the Friday Date Needed.
Pricing Information will be recalculated as if the order was being entered on the order date.  Prices should not be manually set within the quote and will rely on last price paid, price list, price formula, or price key as setup within system configs.