Order Entry

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Order Entry

Orders can be created by navigating to:

Orders > Processing > Order Entry


Adding a New Order

Click +New in the bottom left corner.

Click into the Customer box and type any portion of the Customer Name or Customer Code

Select the customer from the drop down list of choices

Edit the order header fields.

Displayed Order Header Fields

Order Date

Date the order was placed.

Date Needed

Desired ship date of product

Payment Type

Charge: Standard Orders

Credit Memo: Returns and Credits


For customers with multiple departments requiring separate billing notations.


Click the + to edit the billing address for this invoice only.  

Permanent changes are made in customer maintenance.


Click the + to edit the shipping address for this invoice only.
Click the Ship To field to select from the customers alternate shipping addresses for this order only.

Permanent changes are made in customer maintenance.

Hidden Order Header Fields

Click triangle by Customer PO to edit


Salesperson assigned to the order.  If a salesperson is assigned to a customer this field will prefill with that salesperson.

Tax Code

From customer file, click to override

Sales Terms

From customer file, click to override


From customer file, click to override

Customer PO

Click to enter customer PO number.

PO Date

Click to enter customer PO date.


From customer file, click to override


From customer file, click to override

Ship Method

From customer file, click to override

Price List

From customer file, click to override


Editing an Existing Order


Existing orders can be navigated and opened by:

Clicking the left pointing blue arrow to go to the previous order

Clicking the right pointing blue arrow to go to the next order

Clicking the green file folders to open the order search window
The order search window allows searching by customer or order number and is the fastest way to navigate open orders
Changing the status drop down (currently showing All) will narrow the search to include only orders of the selected status


Adding Items to an Order


Adding items from the search line (dotted line to the right of the + in green circle)

Search by any part of the item code or item description.

Arrow key down to select the desired item.

Tab to move to the Quantity field.

Input the desired quantity

Tab to move to the unit of measure field.

Left or right arrow key to change the unit of measure.

Tab to move to the price field.

Input the desired price.

Enter key to commit the line item.


Adding items from the historical order guide (green background area below the search line)

Click on an order line.

Up or down arrow key to move to the next or previous order guide item.

Input quantity to order.

Tab to unit of measure or price field to change.

Enter key or navigate to another line item to commit the order.


Removing an Item from an Order

Click the - in the red circle to the right of the line item

Click Accept when the warning message appears to confirm deletion.