Cost Export and Import

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Cost Export and Import

Important Notices:

There is no 'undo' feature for cost import and export, be sure to save your original export, register and post history in case you need to revert to your old costs.

The cost load feature is also used to update price lists.


The Purchase and Market costs in Food Connex Cloud can quickly be updated using the Cost Load utility found at:

Inventory > Processing > Cost Load


Cost Export

1.Narrow the list of items to export using the selection criteria (Categories, Items, Vendors, Brands).

2.Select Options to Print (Category, Brand, Vendor).

3.Select Fields to Update (Last Cost, Market Cost, Price Lists)

4.Click Print Report to create the spreadsheet.


Cost Import

1.Browse for updated spreadsheet file.

2.Print Register to review changes to be made.

3.Post to commit changes to Food Connex Cloud