Release 1.089 - Jan 2024

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Release 1.089 - Jan 2024

Enhancements and New Features

Reports: Files List - Custom Fields


Custom fields for customer, item, vendor, and manufacturer tables will be appended to the end of the file list reports for each table.  The header of each column will provide the custom field label.  Please note that some fields (those beginning with an owning field of "transfer.") will not export such as SFTP information from sample below.



Touchscreen Fill and Ship Default to Total Quantity for LB UOM

Based on Secured Resource: TS total entry wgt

If enabled then the touchscreen fill and ship screen will default to shipping the total quantity for items ordered by the pound.  Currently either default to 1 pound, or if TS Total Entry config was on would default to total quantity.  This config will allow pounds to default to total while eaches and cases prompt individually.


Touchscreen Tare Selection Persist Until Item Change

In touchscreen area selecting a tare / container will now persist until the item or transaction is changed.  This will prevent having to reselect an alternate tare each time if using a container other than the item default.  Changing items or transactions will reset the tare to the item default.

Hardware, Release, and Infrastructure Changes

Food Connex Cloud Server Hardware Upgrades

The primary server hardware for Food Connex will be upgrading during the first and second quarter of 2024.  
There will be an additional maintenance window announced during off-peak hours when the move occurs.
The new server hardware will feature increased storage and faster processing capabilities.
An alert will be sent using the notification bell well in advance of the expected maintenance window.

Food Connex Help Site Move

The Food Connex help are will be moving from (this site) to a new location with a new structure.
The changeover is expected to take place with the a March 27th release to the old site pointing to the new site.
The new data framework called Notion will allow for more timely updates to the help documentation and expanded format options.

Food Connex Release Schedule Change

Food Connex will be moving to a quarterly release schedule (March, June, September, December) from our schedule of every odd month.
This will accommodate some of the larger development projects targeted for 2024 and beyond while reducing the interruption to users.
The projected release dates are March 27th, June 26th, September 25th, and December 11th.

System Improvements


Price list format adjustment for mobile storefront style order entry.


Label type 4x3 #6 will allow override of label date based on label maker date field.


PO comment vertical alignment corrected.


Description and extended description wrapping to column width on pick tickets improved.


Pick Ticket and Cut Ticket previously printed quantity updates additional option added: Pick Ticket Update Cut Qty.


Add On pick tickets will now generate the ADD ON text in bold.



Cost change report calculation of change amount corrected for clients not using future market costs.


Corrected credit memo total preview shown in cost selection screen to show line rather than invoice total.