Release 1.083 - Jan 2023

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Release 1.083 - Jan 2023

Enhancements and New Features


Company Short Name Alias


Clients can now select an alias to use when to logging in as their company name identification.
System > Security > Client
Enter a short name.




Total Weight Label added to Invoice Formats


Invoices updated with new title in weight area.


Option to have Market Cost Override Invoice Cost as Salesperson Cost Base


System Config: Sales Cost Market

When enabled.  
If the market cost is zero the salesperson base cost will be based on the Sales Cost Base config.
If the market cost is not zero the market cost will be used as the base for the salesperson cost.
This enables a user to primarily have the system maintain salesperson cost based on receive posting, but override when needed by setting a market cost, and return to automatic maintenance by removing the market cost.


Statement Invoice Override on Invoice Print and Reprint


System Config: Prompt Statement Inv

When enabled a checkbox to force statement invoice will be displayed on the invoice summary screen and invoice reprint screen allowing a user to trigger the statement invoice option on a customer who would normally not receive the statement invoice format.



Invoice Balance Close Date Tracking


Food Connex will begin tracking the date that an invoice balance becomes zero and is closed.
Reports > Sales > Sales Universal Export

When AR Status option is set to closed a payment date range will display.
This payment date range is based on the most recent update from QuickBooks to Food Connex.

For complete details on payments please reference QuickBooks.

Order Line Delete - Secured Resource


Secured Resource: Delete Order Line

(Added to all users by default.)
If removed users will not be able to delete an order line in sales order entry.


Product Lookup - Cost Column Options


System Config: PLU Cost Method

Select cost to display
Secured Resource: Price Inquiry - Cost



Layout Redesign for Docked Sales Order Line Info


The docked line information has been redesigned for better display and accessibility.



Security on Ticketed Sales Orders


Users can now be restricted from changing ticketed sales order my removing the Secured Resource: Allow Updating Ticketed


System Stability Improvements


Export list for charges corrected to show all charges.


Physical post corrected so that item setup security check will not display a posted physical routine as open.


Meter to show quantity shipped of quantity ordered corrected on pick ticket, pick label, order acknowledgment screens.


Below cost warning will now only triggering on line commit, not after entering initial quantity.


When creating new item weight deviation will now default to weight deviation in config.


Allow ACH and Credit Card payment options to be enabled / disabled independently.


Auto Customer Code, Customer Item Code, Broadline item