Release 1.082 - Nov 2022

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Release 1.082 - Nov 2022

Enhancements and New Features


Price Key Maintenance - Add / Remove for All Customers



Enabled by adding resources:
Price Key File: Add to all customers button
Price Key File: Remove from all customers button

When enabled buttons will display at the bottom of the price key maintenance screen to allow the price key to be added to all customers, or removed from all customers.  A confirmation bubble will display when the add or remove button is pressed.  If the accept button is selected the requested process will complete and present a confirmation window.



Order Dashboard Additional Column Options


The Order Dashboard has had additional secured resources added to allow customization of the order dashboard.

These resources can be found by searching: Order Dashboard in the System > Security > Roles > Pick Resources area.
Order Dashboard - Manager View
Order Line Detail - GP% OE Dashboard
Order Line Detail - GP Amount
Order Line Detail - Cost
Order Line Detail - COGS
Order Header - GP%
Order Header - GP Amount

Order Header - Cost

Order Header - COGS

Manager View will enable the Toggle Costs button in the lower right, this will switch between the standard shipping quantities view, and the new cost and profitability view.

Order Lookup and Order Dashboard Indicator for Overshipped Lines

CR4275, CR4203

An asterisk * has been added to the Ship Items area to indicate an order contains an overshipped line or quantity that is not being displayed.
In the example order below a total quantity of 21 units are on order.  6 of the allocated units are showing as shipped, the 94 overshipped units do not display on the summary screen as they were not part of the allocated 21 units.  The entire quantity shipped can be viewed on the fill and ship or order dashboard screens.




Shipped Quantity Indicator Added to Batch Invoice Screen


A new column has been added indicating the quantities shipped to the batch invoice screen.
An asterisk will indicate over-shipped / not displayed quantities.



Comment Button in Fill / Ship


A new resource will allow the comment button to be enabled on the Fill and Ship screen allowing users to view and add comments.
Resource: Comment Button in Fill and Ship



Additional Information Provided for Scanning Errors


If an item not on order is scanned the warning message in fill and ship will now display the item code and description for the item scanned.



System Stability Improvements


Invoice formats 14CE and 14E data alignment improved for extended description, customer comment, taxable amounts.


CAI logo update and correction to OE Info bubble border background transparancy.


Quantity displayed on pick tickets after backorder to partial invoice corrected.


Food Connex will now synch multiple emails to QBO primary contact with corrected separator.


Default email address will populate in PO email send when "Email PO" checkbox is selected in vendor file.


The current values for posted add-on amounts will display on unposted invoices in Sales Universal Export.  Previously this value was displayed as zero until the invoice was posted.

CR4195, CR4236

If deleted promotion and price key code and name can now be re-used on a new promotion or price key.


Pick Label 4x3 format change.  Address removed, Case X of Quantity Ordered counter added.


Search terms will now clear when moving between different file maintenance areas (customer, item, vendor, etc.)


Calculation for yielded / auto yielded cost templates with cost type "Line Cost" corrected.


When adding charges the system will hide the OK button until the charge has fully loaded.