Release 1.084 - Mar 2023

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Release 1.084 - Mar 2023

Enhancements and New Features


Purchase Order Screen Print Change

Print Receipt and Print Receiver under Print Button



To print the PO Receipt, PO Receiver, or Print Lot Labels from the purchase order screen users will need to press the Print button then select the receipt or receiver.  


Credit Card and ACH Payment Links


Food Connex Clients using the integrated Credit Card and ACH Payment options will be able to utilize QR Codes on invoice, and links in emails to allow customers to pay specific invoices without need for a login setup for a customer portal.






Credit Card and ACH Service Charges


System configuration options can now add a service or handling charge when credit card or ach payments are used.
ACH Charge: Numeric Value

ACH Charge Type: Flat or Percent if should be a flat dollar value or percentage of total payment

ACH Charge Message: Message that will display when approving the fee in payment area.
ACH Charge Title: Title that will be shown on generated invoice for fee


CC Charge: Numeric Value

CC Charge Type: Flat or Percent if should be a flat dollar value or percentage of total payment

CC Charge Message: Message that will display when approving the fee in payment area.

CC Charge Title: Title that will be shown on generated invoice for fee
When a payment is initially made with a charge the charge must be sent on a QuickBooks connection cycle prior to the payment being made, for most connections this will take place within 20 minutes of capturing the payment.







Bill of Lading: Lot Printing Capability with No Attributes


Bill of Lading can now print lot numbers without requirement to print additional attributes.



Pick Ticket - Page number of total

Pick ticket page number will now display page x of total for multi-page pick tickets.


Food Connex API - Alpha Release

Food Connex is entering into alpha testing for an API connections to request data from the Food Connex system from external applications.  API access will require setup and a higher level subscription.  Clients that are interested in API features please alert the support team and we will

System Stability Improvements


Additional 3x5 Shellfish Tag Format Option


Corrections made to StockIQ cost per case calculation on supply orders


Secured resource behavior correction to hide delete customer button if resource is not assigned to role