Release 1.070 - Jan 2021

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Release 1.070 - Jan 2021

Enhancements and New Features

PLU (Product Look Up) Enhanced with Date Based Availability


Several PLU columns are now sortable (click on column header).
A date selector is now available, when blank the 'total' availability will display (In Stock - Allocation), when filled the date based availability number will display.

Invoice Post Screen: Checkbox to Print/Hide GL Detail on Register


Users who would prefer not to see the GL detail printed on the posting register can uncheck the 'Include GL' option on the posting screen.


Retail Shopping Site - Beta Release

A new retail shopping site is entering beta testing.  Interested customers will be able to view product images and pricing on a website open to the public.  After creating a shopping cart they will be able to checkout with a credit card (based on the estimated cart value.)  When the order is invoiced and posted in Food Connex the credit card charge will be completed at the exact invoice value.
To utilize the Retail Shopping Site clients will need:
Credit Card Processing Account with Card Connect
Tier 2 Level Subscription with Food Connex
Customization, Setup, and Training of Retail Site (Estimated at 30 billable hours)

Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements

3813 - Consolidation of FTP credentials for file sending

3870 - Delete Button on Purchase Order Screen will now unhide properly when switching from closed to open PO view

3817 - Inventory Movement Report SLK Output corrected

3758 - When Warehouses are deleted any items assigned to that warehouse will have their warehouse assignment cleared

3526 - PO Weigh Mode will now prevent 0 quantities

3878 - Simple Serial Table will only be maintained when config is enabled

3792 - PO Screen arrow key navigation improved

3860 - XLSX report format options added to Universal Sales, Open Order Export, Picking Production

3858 - Ship to address and Price list setting for mobile orders has been corrected

3871 - Corrected display of inventory tab in item file (columns would be hidden if user visited the charges tab prior to opening)

3433 - PO Bubble weekly sales will include Invoiced and Ready to Order values

3441 - Browser tab naming has been corrected

3820 - Large standard weights will no longer display with a small decimal value appended

3865 - DBA warning correction for unsubmitted line items

3875 - PO receive dates will update from within catch weight box to prevent incomplete data if user leaves screen while catch weight box is open

3864 - File type choice will now save with report preferences