Customers: Creating and Editing

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Customers: Creating and Editing

Customers can be created and edited by navigating to:

Customers > Master Maintenance


Adding a New Customer:

Click the +Add button in the bottom right corner of the Customers > Master Maintenance Screen.


Editing an Existing Customer:

Utilize the search bar to narrow the selection of customers then click the customer.


Customer Information Fields

When a new customer is added or a customer is selected from the search results the customer maintenance screen will open.  Some of the tabs on the left hand side of the screen may be hidden based on your user permissions.  The following key fields should be entered for a customer before generating an order.

Main Tab


Customer Code

QB Field: Customer Name


Company Name

QB Field: Company Name

Address Tab

Billing Address, City, State, Zip

Billing and "Same" Shipping Address

QB Field: Billing Address

Credit Tab

Credit Limit

Defaults to $20,000


Select from Terms Codes from QB

QB List: Terms


Clear the checkbox to make active.

QB Field: Inactive