Connecting QuickBooks

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Connecting QuickBooks

Food Connex utilizes the Intuit Web Connector to communicate with QuickBooks.  The Intuit Web Connector is only available and supported for QuickBooks Desktop products released within the last three years (currently 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019).


Supported QuickBooks Editions:

QuickBooks Pro 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

QuickBooks Premier 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

QuickBooks Enterprise (current subscription)

QuickBooks Accountant Desktop 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019

QuickBooks Online


Not Supported QuickBooks Editions:

All other unlisted versions


You can have QuickBooks Desktop Editions (Pro, Premier, Enterprise) hosted by RightNetworks.  This provides the online hosting and work-from-anywhere capabilities while maintaining the requirements to work with the Web Connector.


To determine your current QuickBooks Edition please click “Help” and “About QuickBooks…” in your installed QuickBooks program.


The Food Connex support team will assist you in the initial setup of the web connector.  The web connector can be installed on multiple machines to allow more than one user to trigger an update but all machines must access the QuickBooks company file using the same path.


Important Notices:

Please be sure to always create a backup of your QuickBooks Company File before connecting to Food Connex Cloud and before making changes to your QuickBooks Web Connector settings.

Changes to your QuickBooks Company File such as renaming the file, restoring from a backup, moving the file, or upgrading QuickBooks can interrupt your connection to Food Connex Cloud.  Please review any changes with the Food Connex support team before undertaking them.  Support time recovering data or reconfiguring due to changes being made to the QuickBooks Company File structure is billable.