Adding and Editing Users

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Adding and Editing Users

Important Notices:

Users cannot be deleted once created.  They can be renamed.

If the user does not have a role assigned they will be able to login but will not see any navigation options.

When adding a role to the user be sure to click the + in the green circle to the right of the role to commit the addition.

To disable a user so they can no longer access the system change the password and remove the roles assigned to the username.


Food Connex Cloud allows for an unlimited number of users.  To add a new user to your system or edit an existing user navigate to:

System > Security > Maintain Users


Add a New User

To add a new user click the +Add button in the bottom right corner.


Edit an Existing User

To edit an existing user use the search box to find the user then click the username.


Main Tab

Basic User Information

User Name

This is the login name.

Person Name

The users full name


The users email address


Mr., Mrs, etc.

Job Title

Inventory Manager, Sales, etc.

Main Tab

Restrict Order By

Only Salesperson

User will only be able to view orders that are assigned to the salesperson selected.

Only Chain

User will only be able to view orders for companies that belong to the selected chain.

Only Group

User will only be able to view orders for companies that belong to the select group.

Only Customer

User will only be able to view orders for companies that belong to the select group.  Common for customer order entry.

Customer OE

User will have special restrictions designed for customer order entry.

Restrict Price Keys View

Price Key editing is restricted by user.

Main Tab

Restrict Items By

Restrict to Price Keys

User can only order items that are on a price key assigned to customer.

Restrict to Available

User can only order items that have positive availability.

Restrict to Managed Order Guide

User can only order items that are on a customer's managed order guide.

Restrict Item to Users

If selected the user cannot view or order items that are restricted by user security.

Password Tab

Enter New and Retype Password

Complete to create or change a password

Password Hint

Hint for forgotten passwords.

Roles Tab


Roles provide users permission to access various areas and features in the system.