Release 1.057 - Jan 2019

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Release 1.057 - Jan 2019

Enhancements and New Features

Production (Templates, Work Orders, Cutting, Bill of Material)

CR3074 - Please note Production requires a Tier 4 subscription to Food Connex, contact your sales team for more information.


Price and Cost Warning Override


Secured Resource: "Allow override of cost and price warnings in Order Entry"

When added to a user's role the user will receive an Accept or Cancel box when the warnings from the following system configuration options occur.  If the user chooses to Accept the change will be applied to the order line overriding the warning.  At least one of the following system configuration options must be on for this secured resource to have an effect:

"Sec Selling 0"  - Security on selling item for $ 0.00

"Sec Sell < Cost" - Security on selling item under cost

"OEpr/Ovrd/Sec" - Security on Price Changes



On-Screen Sales Inquiry and Graphing

Secured Resource: Sales Query

Reports > Sales > Sales Inquiry

The sales inquiry is a custom inquiry that has been made available.  Drill down is available by salesperson, route, customer and item.



Auto-Generate GTIN/UPC Codes


System Configs:
Auto Number UPC : If enabled any item that does not have a case or each UPC / GTIN code assigned will have one generated by the system for use on internal labels.  These UPCs can be removed or updated in the item file or UPC maintenance screen.

Auto Number UPC Case Prefix : Up to an 8 digit number that will act as the prefix for the codes

Auto Number UPC Case Prefix : Up to an 8 digit number that will act as the prefix for the codes

Bug Fixes, Stability and Consistency Improvements

CR3140: Price Lists with Formulas assigned will now only show on the formula tab of the item file, Only Price Lists without formulas assigned will show on the Price List tab of the item file.

CR3133: Customers will now default to "Active" (previously defaulting to inactive on the credit tab of customer master maintenance).

CR3250: Track stock logging routine enhanced to show additional detail on credit memo returns.

CR3311: Corrected average cost display in item file on initial receive of newly created items.

CR3177: Order Acknowledgements in Batch Mode will no longer show stray asterisks.

CR3149: Item Type (Ordinary, Inactive, Intangible) can now be updated if the Override Setup feature is used.

CR3125: Imported orders will now obey warehouse rules for customers and items.

CR3277: Changing the 'update orders' checkbox in Purchase Orders will no longer reset scanned weights.

CR3326: A "Zero Record" order will no longer be created by canceling the multiple open orders warning.