Release 1.056 - Oct 2018

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Release 1.056 - Oct 2018

Enhancements and New Features

Order Guide Highlights - Items not recently purchased.


A new highlight option has been added to the order guide.  Items that are on the customer's order history, but have not been purchased within a number of days set in the customer record, will have a highlighted quantity field.

To enable set the: Items Not Purchased - Color Order Guide config to a valid color (see help for samples)

Go to Customer > Master Maintenance > Main Tab

oGuide On must be enabled

oDays to Retain must be set and will determine if the item is on the order guide.

oCLP (Customer Last Purchase) days must be set and will determine how many days until the item is highlighted.

An additional config: CLP Restrict To Current Guide has been created to cause the CLP window to match the current order guide.

Gross Profit Report - Posted and Unposted


The Gross Profit Report will now allow users to include Posted, Unposted, or Posted and Unposted transactions.

Recall Report - Posted and Unposted


The Recall Report will now allow users to include Posted and Unposted transactions.  This permits the user to view serial number details for unposted transactions.



Bug Fixes, Stability and Consistency Improvements

CR3105 - Vendor Pick-up Addresses added to File List Options

CR3103 - Retail Gross Profit Report corrected to handle period by week selection

CR3129 - QuickBooks Configuration Screen will now display pending Customer updates from QuickBooks

CR3116 - On-order calculation improved to handle zeroing an order quantity in the Purchase Order Screen

CR3161 - User Restricted Items have been corrected to allow removing a user name

CR3147 - Price Key Item deletion will no longer lock the user from exiting the price key

CR3107 - Promotion account will now correctly default to the promotion assigned in system configuration

CR3199 - Label logic after a quantity change has been corrected to allow the user to continue printing labels

CR3025 - FoodConnex.Cloud will now forward to and allow user access

CR3167 - UPC Code List option in File List will now display items without UPCs

CR3108 - Inventory Movement Report - Column layout improved to prevent skewing when unposted transactions are displayed.

CR3201 - GL Transactions sumarized to zero will now be marked 'Zero' rather than error.