Release 1.055 - Aug 2018

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Release 1.055 - Aug 2018

Enhancements and New Features

Pick-up Address Option for Purchase Orders


Pick-up addresses can now be created and selected for purchase orders to print in place of the billing address in the upper left of the purchase order.

To create a Pick-up address:
Inventory > Files > Vendors > Select Vendor > Pick Up Tab > Add

Enter Pick-up Code, Description and Address Information

To use a Pick-up address:
Address must be created as above, then can be selected in the Pick-Up field of the Purchase Order.

Resort Option for Posting Screen and Invoice Register


A sort-by option has been added to allow sorting of the posting screen, invoice register and posting reporting.

Sales Universal Export - Customer PO Field


Customer PO Number has been added to the sales universal export as a reportable field.

Utility for Invoice Resend to QuickBooks


Restricted by Secured Resource: ReSend Invoice to QB

Customer > Master Maintenance > AR Inquiry Select Resend Icon


Bug Fixes, Stability and Consistency Improvements

CR3098 - Invoice summary after fill and ship screen field secured resources corrected.

CR3095 - Batch pick ticket screen duplicate secured resource removed.

CR3094 - Order Export button secured resource behavior corrected.

CR3088 - Plain paper invoice total line placement adjusted for consistent printing.

CR3071 - Sales Universal Export: Ship-to Zip and Ship-to Phone checkbox behavior corrected.

CR3069 - Improved handling for deleted item UPC codes.

CR3041 - Consolidated unform rules for consistency between emailed and printed documents.

CR3037 - Item File List output updated with ReOrder Qty, Batch Size, Shelf Life, Max CS/Pallet, Lead Time.

CR3024 - Last price posted will no longer override a formula and display $0 price from an unposted order.

CR3017 - Weight deviations for adjustments will no longer incorrectly display for negative quantities.

CR3012 - Customer Re-Order report "Based on Guide" will now obey managed order guide option.

CR2726 - Failed faxes for customers with no fax number will not generate a fax or email, fax will be marked failed in log.