Release 1.054 - Jun 2018

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Release 1.054 - Jun 2018

Enhancements and New Features

Responsive Design Fill and Ship


A new fill and ship option is under development for handheld scanning.

Credits Only Reporting in Universal Sales Export


A new "Credits Only" checkbox has been added to the universal sales export allowing users to restrict the report to credits.

Fuel Surcharge Reporting in Universal Sales Export


Fuel Surcharge has been added as a reportable column in universal sales export separate from the freight column where the values were previously included.

Bar Code Printing on Select Invoice Formats


Please contact the sales team to review enabling item UPC or GTIN printing on invoice formats.

Price Key Export, Import and Update from Excel


**NOTE:  Changes made using the import processes cannot be undone.**
Please contact the support team to schedule a training session for this new feature.
The price key utilities currently support dollar markup, sponsored development projects are available to expand these capabilities.
Secured Resource: Price key File Tab:Import


Export to Generate Excel Spreadsheet
Browse for File to Load > Printer Register > Post to import
Update Current Prices to overwrite existing items if matched

Add New Items to create new price key items.

Validate to Customer Item File if required for Nexing
Print Register prior to posting

Local Time Configuration


Users can now set their local time for use on reports and print-outs.
System > Config > Config Maint
Time Zone:  Select appropriate time zone
DayLightSavings: Select to have the system observe daylight savings time.


If not set system will continue to report unaltered system time.

Navigation Disabled when in Edit Mode


When editing data on screen several navigation options will be disabled until the user accepts or cancels the edit.  Applies to screens like Customer Ship-To edits and Item Cost Edits.




Bug Fixes, Stability and Consistency Improvements

CR2934 - Typographical Error Correction on Universal Sales Report.

CR2965 - File list report for items will now obey user item security.

CR2950 - Picking verification report page breaks have been corrected.

CR2949 - Price list codes will sort alphabetically in price formula screen.

CR2938 - Inventory Movement with Totals report will no longer fill blanks with incorrect information.

CR2874 - Keyboard shortcuts + and - to change dates in date field have been corrected.

CR2996 - Messaging improved for salesperson pad to reflect that it applies across all warehouses.

CR2984 - PO printing in Chrome improved to prevent error message.

CR2960, CR2978 - Additional transaction logging added for POs, Sales Orders, Customers, and Item file.

CR2868 - Additional buttons locked in order entry to prevent errors prior to an order being selected or created.

CR3018 - Price key assignments will now display in customer file list.

CR2997 - Blank / All Warehouse will now hide if only one warehouse exists.  Relabeled "Item Cost:" if displayed.

CR3021 - Role and Config cleanup.  Categories and parent configs have been updated to hide if parent is not enabled.  Please contact your support team to review any desired changes.

CR2968 - "Victualnet" item can now be renamed in QuickBooks and set to match config.

CR2944 - Return Reasons will now be restricted by Order Entry or Inventory Adjustment on related screens.

CR2943 - ASNs will no-longer be resorted and will display in original sequence.