Release 1.047 - Jul 2017

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Release 1.047 - Jul 2017

Enhancements and New Features

Barcode Traceability - GS1 Barcodes

(CR# 2089)

The barcode traceability labels have been expanded to a full GS1-128 barcode with embedded GTIN, Trace ID, and weight allowing for single scan shipping through SWAMI fill and ship scanning.  Barcode label based traceability enables users to create and answer questions such as manufacturer lot numbers, expiration dates, source farms, and quality control metrics.   These answers are recorded during purchase order receiving and a trace id label is generated and affixed to the product.  This barcode is captured at time of sale and the information can be used for reporting and recall.


Please contact your support team for more information on Traceability options.

File Export for Customers and Other Tables

(CR# 2288, 2298)

File export options have been added for several tables include customers and inventory items.  The following secured resources control access to the report exports and must be added to the role for a user.  If a user does not have the appropriate role the File List option will still be visible under Reports, but no list options will be presented for selection.  
All data available from the single table will be exported to a .csv or .slk, no additional restrictions or filters are available.
All the following options belong to the Category : File List

File List Brand

File List Category

File List Class of Trade

File List Customer

File List Formula

File List Item

File List Manufacturer

File List Order Guide Category

File List Price Book Category

File List Price List

File List Pricekey

File List Promo

File List Specification

File List UPC

File List Vendor

PDF Name Generation Change

(CR# 1366)

Where possible PDFs will now use a friendly naming convention.  Indicating the type of document, transaction number, and customer code where applicable.  Example: Invoice_4375_CustCode.

A unique numeric string will follow the friendly name to prevent report duplication while it is being generated.

Taxable Item Indicator on Invoices

(CR# 2352)

For all standard invoice formats except 10CPI a "T" to the right of the invoice line will now indicate taxable items.

Best By Date and Pack Date Overrides for Labeling

(CR# 2167)

Product labels generated through the Purchase and Production Orders screen can now have manually set Best By dates as well as overrides for the Pack Date.  Label customization may be required to take advantage of this new feature.

Cut Item Flag Reporting in Picking Production Report

(CR# 2423)

A new reporting option has been added to the Picking Production Report (Reports > Order > Picking / Production / Re-order).  If "Only show Cutting Items?" is enabled the report will be restricted to items with the 'Cutting' flag.  

To view and set the cutting flag the system configuration option "Cutting Ticket" must be enabled.

The "Cutting" checkbox can then be found on the Setup tab of the Item Master Maintenance file.

Cubic Feet Reporting on Picking Production Report

(CR# 2437)

Cubic feet can now be included on the Picking Production Report.  The cubic feet field is located in Item Master Maintenance Setup tab.

Cleanup, Stability, and Workflow Improvements

Prevent LB or KG (weight) as UOM in UPC Table

(CR# 1644)

Add On-Order column to Stock Status Report Excel Output

(CR# 2315)

Order Guide Categories - Allow change of Order Guide Category ID Code

(CR# 2321)

PO Number Restriction Based on Invoice Format

(CR# 941)

A new system configuration option has been added to allow the user to restrict PO numbers entered in order entry to be limited to the printable number of characters.  The following are the length limits for each invoice format option

12 Cpi Invoice prints up to 13 digits

12X prints up to 14 digits

DM prints up to 13 digits

DM2, DM2 prints up to 12 Digits

The limit can be set in system config: PoNo length        Number input characters for Po No

This config is defaulted to 0 (unlimited) and will not restrict the user when inputting a PO number, which may result in purchase order numbers longer than can be printed being input if this configuration option is not set.

Timing Conflict for Post and Invoice Print Routines Prevented

(CR# 2358)

A timing conflict could occur if two users were attempting to Post and to Submit Changes on the Invoice Summary screen at the same time.  A warning message will now alert a user attempting to modify an invoice in the process of posting and changes will be prevented.