Release 1.048 - Aug 2017

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Release 1.048 - Aug 2017

Enhancements and New Features

Integrated Email and Fax Broadcasting

(CR# 2418)

Users will now be able to email and fax broadcast documents directly from Food Connex Cloud.

This feature requires billable setup and training.

Users must use their own email host (such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)

Faxing is billed monthly at a per page rate.


Fax and email options are currently available for order acknowledgements, invoices, purchase orders, customer re-order sheets price lists.


Default options whether to fax, invoice or fax and invoice each document are controlled in Customers > Master Maintenance > Fax / Email.




For batch processes a Fax? and Email? checkbox displays on the report screen.


For individual print jobs a Print Options window will display.  Fax and Email information will only pre-fill if the user is selected to fax or email the appropriate document in Customer Master Maintenance.



PO Receiving Screen - Adjust Receive Date

(CR# 2434)

A new system configuration option has been added

PO Receive Date:  This will determine the default receive date for inventory as it will be shown in inventory movement.

Actual Date: System date that the product was received on.

Expected: Will use the Expected Date from PO Header.  (If expected date is not set will use Trans Date)

Trans Date: Will use the Transaction Date of the PO.


The Receive Date can be manually adjusted for a line item using a new line item option.  If set this date will override the default date from the configuration setting.





Inventory Valuation Report - Brand Added

(CR# 2222)

Brand can now be added to the Inventory Valuation Report


Universal Sales Export - Cost Extensions for All Costs

(CR# 2459)

Additional data selectors have been added to allow for reporting on extended cost for all saved costs.


File List Export - Additional Tables Added

(CR# 2518)

Export options added to File List for: Customer Items, Hold Reasons, Routes, Sales Terms, Salesperson, Shipping Codes, Customer Ship-To, Tax Codes, Customer Groups, Customer Types.


Purchase Orders - Cost Field Selectable

(CR# 1497)

The cost field may now be clicked directly to select.  Previously the line would need to be clicked then tabbed over to the cost field.


Stability and Quality Enhancements

Phone Number Formatting Corrected on Inventory Recall Report.

(CR# 575)

OE Info Bubble: Last Price, Date, Quantity now obey secured resource.

(CR# 2355)

Load Production: Serial Number Search Corrected.

(CR# 690)

Remove 'pipe' characters from data exchange.

(CR# 2391)

Price Key Calculation: Handling for non-matching billing UOM improved.

(CR# 2429)

Combined PO Receiver: Now obeys print vendor item checkbox.

(CR# 2442)