Release 1.046 - May 2017

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Release 1.046 - May 2017

Enhancements and New Features

Hide or Show Inactive Items in Universal Sales Report

(CR# 2122)

When selecting items to show on the Universal Sales Report users can show or hide inactive items within the item multi-selector.

Vendor item codes in search results for Purchase Management

(CR# 2275)

Set System Configuration Option: "Display Vendor Item" to True

Set System Configuration Option: "Hide Vendor Item Lookup" to False

When the configurations options are set as above the Primary Vendor Item ID will be visible in the purchase management item lookup screens.  Only the primary vendor item field from the Main screen of item master maintenance is used (alternate vendor item ids will not be displayed).  The vendor item is not included as searchable text.

Price List Tab - Starting and Ending Dates No Longer Required

(CR# 2121)

Users will no longer be required to enter a starting and ending date for price lists.

Stability and Performance Enhancements

QuickBooks Invoice WebConnector Improvements

(CR# 2239)

Food Connex will now automatically handle several errors involving deleted or unfindable invoices that previously required human intervention to clear.

Bill of Lading - Now printing shipping warehouse address

(CR# 2018)

The bill of lading format has been adjusted to print the address of the warehouse from which product is being shipped.

Invoice Header Formatting

(CR# 559)

For invoices with pure text headers the formatting has been altered to better align the company name with the address area.

Price Key Code Update Now Available

(CR# 356)

Price key codes can now be updated.

System Configuration Option Cleanup

(CR# 2292 and 589)

Several unused and deprecated system configuration options and resources have been removed.