Release 1.045 - Mar 2017

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Release 1.045 - Mar 2017

Enhancements and New Features

Selectable Default Ship-To Addresses

(CR# 523)

Users can now select a default ship-to address to over-ride the 'Same' ship-to address.  A new checkbox has been added to the ship-to detail screen indicating it is the primary ship-to.  If this option is selected that address will be used as the default ship-to for all new orders.  If no primary address is indicated it will default to the 'Same' address.  If no primary and no Same address is found it will use the first ship-to address in the list as the default.

Route Manifest Reporting

(CR# 2218)

Orders > Processing > Invoices > Route Manifest

A new route manifest report has been added to allow users to print a summary of invoices sorted and with page breaks by date needed and route.


Company Name                                 ROUTE MANIFEST                                       Date            



Route:  1000        Date Needed:  01/06/17


Stop  Cust ID     Name                           Ship  Ord No   Inv No  Weight  Cases    Amount --COD--

----  ----------  ------------------------------ ---- -------- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------

  6  1020012     TREMBLAY'S CAFE                SAME     8863    8805       18     2    $52.81 COD ____

                 514 PARK AVE, PORTSMOUTH, RI

                                                                        ------ ----- ---------

                                               Total For Route 1000:        18     2    $52.81


                                                                             **COD**     $52.81 **COD**



Odometer In: ________________    Time In: _____________     Fuel Gallons In: _____________

Odometer Out: ________________   Time Out: _____________    Fuel Gallons Out: _____________


To mark a customer as COD the customer must be set to a sales term flagged as COD.  Sales terms can be set to COD in Orders > Files > Sales Terms


Inventory Movement Reports - Transaction Number Column

(CR# 2151)

Inventory Movement Reports will now feature a transaction number column on PDF and Excel export formats.


Prompt to Recalculate Prices After Date Needed Change

(CR# 2177)

Based on system configuration: Ask Recalc Prices

If a date needed is changed on an order when the system configuration option is active:

The prices for the previous date needed, and the new date needed will be compared.  If a difference is found for the calculated prices the user will be prompted whether to recalculate prices or not.  If recalculated all prices and promotions will be recalculated on the order.  This will overwrite any changes made by users to the pricing prior to the recalculation.


Stability and Performance Enhancements

Date Based Availability Report Speed

(CR# 2092)

The return speed of the date based availability reports have been improved.


Trace Label Printing - Prevent Printing Orphaned Trace Labels

(CR# 2132)

Users will no longer be able to view or print orphaned trace labels in purchase orders.


Bill of Lading Format Adjustment

(CR# 2138)

Better handling of 'long' bills of lading to maintain consistent font size.


Order Header Data Entry

(CR# 2042, 2212)

Additional checks have been added to ensure that changes made to the order header are not lost when navigating off the order.


Deleting Items - Allow if exists on deleted orders.

(CR# 2240)

Food Connex was incorrectly preventing items from being deleted if they existed on deleted orders.  Corrected to ignore deleted orders when checking for open orders.


PO Receiving - Editing After a "Receive All"

(CR# 2196)

Improved handling for the Receive All feature in purchase order will prevent record locking errors.


Item File Tab Correction

(CR# 2178)

Corrected display error on item file for Traceability and User Security tabs.


Invoice Counter - Duplicate Prevention

(CR# 2172)

When issuing an invoice number Food Connex will check and prevent the same invoice number from being used.  If an invoice number has been previously used in Food Connex or in QuickBooks it will increment to the next available invoice number.


Search Format - Handling for ampersand character

(CR# 1750)

Food Connex now gracefully handles ampersand characters in company codes for customer order entry.


Pricing Calculation Correction

(CR# 2157)

Price Key items with cost unit of measure that does not match the item's billing unit of measure will now calculate correctly.


Invoice Format Update

(CR# 1657)

Invoice formats previously not printing total case and each counts through the invoice reprint routine have been corrected to match the original invoice format.