Release 1.044 - Jan 2017

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Release 1.044 - Jan 2017

Enhancements and New Features

Prevent Shipping of 0 Weight Catch Weights

(CR# 1917)

System configuration options will now allow users to be unable to enter, or prompted when entering zero as a catch weight during the fill and ship routine.

Prevent Zero Wgt: If this option is turned on, the user will not allow a zero catch weight into the catch weight box.

Prompt Zero Wgt: If this option is turned on, the user will be prompted if a zero catch weight is etnered into the catch weight box. You will have the choice to accept the zero weight or re-enter the weight.

Additional Information Display on Invoice Post Screen

(CR# 1173)

The following information can now be displayed on the Invoice Post Screen.  The resources shown below must be added to the user role to enable viewing of this information.

OE Post:        Show Cost of Goods Sold column on order entry post screen

OE Post:        Show Sales Cost column on order entry post screen

OE Post:        Show Gross Profit Dollars column on order entry post screen

OE Post:        Show Gross Profit Percent column on order entry post screen

Fourteen digit GTIN codes can now be entered in the UPC field.

(CR# 1173)

SWAMI Scanning recognition has been improved to recognize fourteen digit GTIN codes entered into the UPC field for the item file.


Stability and Bug Fixes

Require two characters before word search begins.

(CR# 2058)

To improve the speed of all searches the search routine will not begin until after the second character has been entered.  Entering a single character into a search box will no longer return results.  A prompt with this information has been added to the search boxes.

Handling of small fractional case values in reports and physical inventory.

(CR# 1559)

An option to round case values to a defined decimal precision has been added to the stock status, valuation and physical worksheet.  Handling of fractional case values below the defined precision has been improve to allow for zeroing of stock values.

Inventory movement report:

Calculation correction to handle negative weights
(CR# 2034)

Calendar icon display issue resolved in Order Entry.

(CR# 1670)

Cloud to Enterprise handling of Promotions improved.

(CR# 1972)

Recall Trace Reporting Improved to handle non-trace items with totals.

(CR# 2043)

Purchase Order Comment handling of page breaks improved.

(CR# 1906)

Product labeling through Purchase Orders improved to handle re-sorting.

(CR# 2075)