Release 1.036 - Mar 2015

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Release 1.036 - Mar 2015

Open Order Report

New Fields (CR1219)

Based on customer feedback four new fields have been added to the open orders report.

Customer PO Number


Ship Via

Suggested Price

The suggested price field is a particularly useful sales management tool as it enables reporting on price adjustments made by the salespeople.  Previously this information was only reportable when salespeople used the discount procedure.


Order Guide Management (CR1132)

Customer Order Entry

Customer order entry users can now view historical order guides.  Users were previously restricted to price key based order guides.  This is based on the system configuration option "CustomerOE PriceKey".

All Users

All users can now be restricted to price key based order guides using the system configuration option "Restrict to PriceKey".


Pick Ticket Improvements

Batch Pick Tickets - Sorting Improvement (CR1250)

Sorting for batch pick tickets has been improved to print in pick location order.

Pick Tickets - Include Customer PO (CR1296)

Pick tickets will now include the Customer PO information in the pick ticket header.


Stability and Performance Improvements

Screen Load Security (CR1167)

Click prevention has been added to several key screens to prevent users from processing changes before the screen has finished loading.  Screens where concerns have been noted include the ship-to tab in the customer file and price lists tab in the item file.  If a user attempts to click on a line selection before the screen has loaded the click will be ignored.  Users can see the screen is still loading by the "Retrieving Information" warning displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Physical Count Entry - Sort Order Options (CR0884)

Sort order options have been clarified.  The available sort options are:

By Pick By Slot

By Item Code

The physical count entry screen does not currently have an option to match the sort to the physical count worksheet options (a selector option previously incorrectly labeled 'By Physical Worksheet').  These additional sort options are under review for future enhancement.

Valuation Report Calculation - Open PO Calculation Corrected (CR0808)

The value for unreceived line items on open purchase orders will no longer be subtracted from stock value when showing unposted transactions.

Inventory Receipt Line Navigation - Tab to reach cost field (CR0780)

Navigation has been improved to allow tab to reach the cost field for catch weight items on inventory receipt screen.

Item Delete and Re-add with ASN Loads (CR0118)

Food Connex will now properly ignore items with matching IDs that are marked as deleted during the ASN Load process.

Retail Gross Profit Report (CR1140)

Quantity shipped column was not displaying correct data field when selected.  The data display has been corrected.

Prevent Damaging Data Deletes (CR1217)

Delete functionality for key data elements has been adjusted to prevent users from deleting items that will impact historical reporting.  Examples include categories, brands, manufacturers, and customer groups.

Customer Spoilage/Discount Calculation (CR1237)

Customer spoilage/discount previously required the user to update the spoilage amount if an order was changed and re-invoiced.  The spoilage will now automatically recalculate on re-invoicing an order.

Server Improvements - Report Server (CR1220)

Improvements have been made to request handling that will allow Food Connex Cloud to prioritize activities such as order entry and the fill and ship routine while passing report requests to a separate server for processing.  This will result in faster overall processing and fewer timeouts on long running reports.