Cloud Release 1.031

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Cloud Release 1.031

Price Book Categories

Additional customization of the Price List Report

Allows for the creation of Price Book Categories
Inventory > Files > Price Book Categories
(only available to users with 'Price Book Categories' secured resource)

Allows for items to be assigned Price Book Categories
Inventory > Files > Master Maintenance > Select Item > Main Tab
Items may be assigned to Price Book Categories using the cost import/export routine

All orders based on the Customer Re-Order Report can now be narrowed to include items based on Price Book Categories selected in the multi-selector.

The Price List Report can be sorted and subdivided by Price Book Categories.

Users who are using two digit pricing in order entry will no longer print four digit pricing on their price list reports.  Users who are using four digit pricing will see a selector option to choose to print two digit pricing.


Customer Specific Up Charge

A four digit customer specific up charge utility has been added.

A default general ledger account for the up charge must be set before use:
Config > Config Maint > Search Upcharge > Set Configuration Item

Up charge amounts are set for each customer and applied to each line item of the order based on the item's pricing unit of measure.

Set up charge amounts at:
Customers > Master Maintenance > Select Customer > Pricing Tab

oUp Charge : A dollar value to be applied to each line item of the customers order, up to four decimal positions may be used.

oUp Charge Account : If you wish to override the default up charge account.

Up charges will show on the order entry screen as a negative value in the discount column and can be edited per line using the line item menu Discount option.

Up charges show as part of the item price on the customer invoice (not as a sperate line item).