Cloud Release 1.013

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Cloud Release 1.013

New Feature ! Purchase Management Phase 2 is released!


Purchase Management Phase 2 is now available.  The details of what this now includes are described below.

1.The ability to assign primary AND secondary vendors to Items.

a.A new tab now exists in the Item Master Maintenance screen called ‘VENDORS.”

b.Ability to mark one of the vendors in the new Vendors Tab as ‘primary.’

c.Ability to define a Vendor Item ID, Order UOM, and Cost UOM per vendor. The order uom will be a default unit of measure for which you order this product from this vendor.  The Cost UOM will be a default unit of measure for which you are billed by this vendor on your purchase orders. You can also leave these UOM’s blank and your Item Setup STOCK UOM and BILL UOM will be used as defaults when you are entering in a purchase order for this item/vendor.

d.The MAIN tab of the item file will still display the marked primary vendor and the primary vendor’s item id.



e.All reports in Food Connex Cloud that use ‘vendor’ in the selection criteria will be based off of the indicated ‘primary’ vendor from the Item Master Maintenance file.

These reports include:  Inventory Physical Freeze, Inventory Movement, Inventory Valuation, Universal Sales Export Report, Picking/Production/Reorder Report.

New Feature ! You now have the ability to print item brands on Quotes


There is now a config that you can turn on that gives you the option to print your item Brands on Customer Quotes.  The config is called “Quote Brand.”  





Order Acknowledgement button enabled after Quote is converted.

The order acknowledgement button on the order header will now be enabled after you convert a quote into a charge or cash order.