Cloud Release 1.012

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Cloud Release 1.012

New Feature ! New Invoice Format 14cpi with Qty Ordered column is now available!


There is now a new invoice format called 14cpi with Qty Ordered that is in a slightly smaller font than the 12cpi invoice but now includes a Qty Ordered column to the left of the Qty Shipped column.  This can be turned on by changing your config named “Invoice Format” to the new 14 w/ Qty Ord option.  If you would like to turn this config on and need help, contact Food Connex Cloud Support for assistance. NOTE:  Nothing else is different on this invoice; all fields are the same except for the new Qty Ordered column. An example of the new invoice format can be seen below:



New Feature ! New Picking Report Sort (Route By Customer) is now available!


There is now a new picking/production/reorder report sort available (in detail and summary) called Route By Customer.  This will break by Route with Customer Case Totals under each route when run in summary.  Note: Item totals under the customers will be in CASES only!  When this report is run by detail, it will print the Route then Customers under that route with totals and under the totals will be the order and item details.


Here is an example of the summary version of the Route by Customer Sort:



Here is an example of the order detail version of the Route by Customer Sort:




Here is an example of the route detail version of the Route by Customer Sort:



Will not be able to delete an item that is on an open Physical Freeze.

The system used to allow the user to delete an item master record when it existed on an open physical freeze.  You will no longer be able to delete an item that exists on that type of open transaction.


Price Key will now ‘remember’ where you left off when searching/updating items.

The system will now ‘stick’ on the page that you left off on when updating price key items.  Previously, if you hit next page through the price key items screen and then clicked on an item to edit, when you were done, the price key file would take you back to the first page of items instead of staying on the page that you left off on.  It will now remember where you left off and not jump back to the first page of items.