Cloud Release 1.007

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Cloud Release 1.007

New Feature ! New Order Entry Picking/Production/ Reorder Report


There is a new report now available in Food Connex Cloud; Order Entry Picking/Production/Reorder Report.  This can be found under the Reports Menu > Order.  


This report will provide a picking report that will be used to determine what item quantities are needed on orders placed in the system.  The report will also help the user determine what needs to be ordered based on the totals on order compared to the on hand balances of the items.


Depending on how this is run, this report can be used as a Vendor Reorder Report, a batch picking report, or a production report.


A sample screen of the report can be seen below.



New Feature ! Tax Amount has been added to Universal Sales Export Report



Tax will now be tracked after the order entry post for invoices that have a tax amount associated with them.


The tax amount will also be able to be extracted from the Universal Sales Export report.


A sample screen showing how to choose tax for the export report is seen below.  It will be under the Pick Fields > Add On information option.







New Feature ! Order Lookup in the Fill & Ship drop-down menu now works



When you choose fill and ship from the order entry > processing menu; the green order lookup button is now active.  The screen can be seen below.