Cloud Release 1.005

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Cloud Release 1.005

Feb 2010


New Feature ! Salesperson Login

The ability to set up a user as a salesperson; when that salesperson logins to Food Connex Cloud, they

will only have access to information that reflects their customers, sales history, open orders and

pricing. This new feature will allow you to set up salesmen to run Food Connex Cloud from anywhere, but

guarantees that they will only be able to see their own information.

In order to set up a salesperson user login, you first have to set up the user as a salesperson.

This is done using the Salespersons option from the Orders tab.

After you have done this, you can now set up a user to be the salesman you just defined. This

option is accessed from the System tab, Security menu, Maintain Users. The user is defined

as a salesperson simply by filling in a valid salesperson ID in the Salesperson field.

NOTE: Salesperson specific users are restricted to seeing the following data only as it

relates to customers assigned to them:

Open Orders Orders to be Picked Inventory Movement (Sales)

Pricing Orders to be Invoiced Universal Sales Export

Customer Data Orders to be Posted Retail Gross Profit Report

Customer Invoices Customer Receivables


New Feature ! Printing Item Brands on the Invoice

You now have the option to print brands assigned to the products you sell on your invoices. Please be

aware that if you opt to print brands, the brand will be printed on the line below the invoice line item,

causing your invoices to possibly use more paper.

In order to start printing brands on your invoices, the system configuration flag 12 CPI Brand will need to

be turned on. If you need assistance with this please contact the Food Connex Cloud Support Team.


New Feature ! Change User Password

A new option, Change My Password, has been added to the System -> Security menu. This option will

allow any user to change his password without needing the security to access the Maintain Users option.

This option will allow the user to enter a new password, and then re-enter their new password for

confirmation, with no special security.

You can also enter a password hint.


Issue Resolved ! Price Key Copy and Delete Implemented

You can now delete price keys that have expired or were entered in error, and better yet, you can copy an

existing price key to a NEW price key.

To copy a price key, using the Price Key option, you need to find and select the price key you are

copying, and then select the Copy tab.

Food Connex Cloud will prompt you to enter a new price key code, description, and the start and end dates of the

new price key.

When you have finished entering that data, you will click the Copy button, and that price key and all

related prices will be copied to the new price key you just created.



The ability to delete an entire price key, or just individual items within a price key, are both available.