Case Break

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Case Break

Mobile > Touchscreen > Select Touchscreen Device > Adjustments (Case Break)

On commit of this transaction an adjustment will be created that subtracts the cases broken from inventory and adds the eaches labeled to inventory.  Any differences in value between these values will be sent to the GL Account indicated by the Case Break Return Reason when the created adjustment is posted.  Prior to commit the case break routine will not affect inventory quantities or values.


Uncommitted case break transactions are only visible in the touchscreen case break area.

Committed case break transactions are converted into adjustments and no longer visible in the case break area.


touchscreen select


Scan or Add to Break a New Case
Select an existing line to add additional eaches taken from the case


Commit Transaction will convert the case break transaction to an adjustment.

Each scanned or added case will generate a new case break line.

Enter quantities and weights of eaches.
