Templates: Creating and Editing

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Templates: Creating and Editing


Header Buttons:

Left/Right Arrow: Next/previous template.

Search Folders: Open template search window.


Footer Buttons:

New: Create New Template

Delete: Delete on-screen template

Sort: Resort line items on template (Used, Used Groups, Costs, Made, Made Groups)

WO Query: Open work order query screen.

Questions: Add or edit questions on the template.

Print Template: Excel or PDF Template output.

Create Work Order: Create a work order from on-screen template.


Template Code: Up to 20 digit template code.

Descrip: Up to 40 digit description.

Username: User who created template.


Add or Update Line Item:



Item - A single item used or made.

Group In - A group item used. When added all items contained within the group will be added to the template.

Group Out - A group item made. When added all items contained within the group will be added to the template.

Cost - A production cost.


Search field that will allow selection based on type.

Qty Used:

For Item or Group In- The amount used.

Qty Made:

For Item or Group Out - The amount made.


Weight based on standard weight in item file.

File Cost:

The item file cost of the line item.

Yield Checkbox:
Will this be included in the yield test calculation.