If Food Connex Cloud is Unavailable

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If Food Connex Cloud is Unavailable

If you are having a problem connecting to Food Connex Cloud please take the following steps.


Step 1 : Restart your machine & check other sites.

The majority of concerns we see with connections to Food Connex Cloud are resolved with a restart of your machine.  If this becomes a frequent please contact your IT person as it may indicate a virus or other software problem.  Please also be sure that you have an active internet connection by connecting to another site (such as this help documentation.)


Step 2 : Try connecting from a different machine.

If you have multiple systems in your office this can help to determine whether it is a concern with Food Connex Cloud or a concern with a particular machine.


Step 3 : Contact support

At this point contact the support team to alert them to the problem.  The Cloud Down Alert should only be used for full down situations outside of normal support hours (8am-5pm ET).

During Normal Support Hours Standard Support Line:              (215) 794-7008 option 3

Outside Normal Support Hours use Cloud Down Alert Line :    (215) 794-7008 option 9

(Cloud Down Alert Line may not be used for other support questions.)