Items: Creating and Editing

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Items: Creating and Editing

Items can be created and edited by navigating to:

Inventory > Files > Master Maintenance


Adding a New Item:

Click the +Add button in the bottom right corner of the Inventory > Files > Master Maintenance.


Editing an Existing Item:

Utilize the search bar to narrow the selection of customers then click the item.


Item Information Fields

When a new item is added or an item is selected from the search results the item maintenance screen will open.  Some of the tabs on the left hand side of the screen may be hidden based on your user permissions.  The following key fields should be entered for an item before including it in an order.

Main Tab

Item Code

Quick reference code, numeric suggested

Up to 15 characters

Item Description

Full description

Up to 40 characters

Setup Tab

Catch Weight

Is this a variable weight product

Catch weight products are billed by pound

Standard Weight

The weight of an individual each

A weight should be entered for all items

Case Conversion Quantity

How many eaches or pounds in a case

Case Conversion Unit of Measure

Whether quantity is eaches or pounds

Eaches are recommended in most cases

Stock UOM

Default unit for inventory reporting

All three units can be viewed in detail

Sell UOM

Default unit for order entry

Can be changed during order entry

Bill UOM

Unit item will be billed by

Can not be changed during order entry


Ordinary, Intangible or Inactive

Inventory not tracked for intangible items

Stock Status


Item can be purchased and sold as normal.

Stock Status

Special Order

Item is hidden from sales order history guide.

Stock Status

Don't Reorder

Item cannot be purchased, a warning message will display.


Importing Items via Spreadsheet

To speed the initial setup of your item file you can enter your items into a pre-formatted spreadsheet to be imported into Food Connex Cloud.

Click here to download the Food Connex Cloud Item Import Spreadsheet.