Release 1.051 - Dec 2017

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Release 1.051 - Dec 2017

Enhancements and New Features

Open Order Export - Include Quotes


Quotes can now be included on the open order export by checking the "Add Quotes" checkbox in the selection area.


Fuel Surcharge Option - Apply or Do Not Apply to Credit Memo


Based on System Configuration Option: Calc Fuel Surcharge on Credit Memo
If true fuel surcharges will automatically be added to credit memos, if false fuel surcharges will not be calculated for credit memos.


Category Description Added to Inventory Movement Report


Category Code and Description will now be included in Inventory Movement Export Format.


Vendor AP Invoice Field added to Inventory Movement with Totals Export Format


AP INV NO will now display.



Bug Fixes, Stability and Consistency Improvements

CR2689 - PO Comment handling improved preventing dropped comments.

CR2770 - Item Export will properly remove commas to prevent sheet format errors.

CR2543 - Date Based Availability reporting corrected to handle blank vendor data.

CR2536 - Universal Sales Export reporting for improved to display all chains in summary by chain.

CR2472 - Stock Status Report Exclude if Qty > Reorder improved to handle all stocking units of measure.

CR2628 - Browser Tab Identification corrected to display PO and Number when in purchase orders.

CR2732 - Intangible items will no longer cause an out of stock warning with Date Based Availability.

CR2695 - Statement Invoice handling of Chain Customers corrected.

CR2658 - "Checked By" added to bottom of pick ticket format.

CR2562 - Conflict between deleting order lines and $0 price security resolved.

CR1581 - Open Order Export - Address Line 2 added.

CR1519 - Error handling for improperly formatted order import files has been improved. Invalid Unit of Measures will default to the selling unit of measure of the item.

CR2552 - Escape Key to consistently close item lookup browser.

CR2783 - Handling of emailing a single invoice while in the batch invoice window has been corrected.

CR2736 - Cost Export/Import feature has been improved to obey item restrictions by user.

CR2655 - Inventory quantity handling has been improved for items that are added to an order, shipped, unshipped, have unit of measure change, and are then reshipped.