Release 1.041 - Mar 2016

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Release 1.041 - Mar 2016

Reversible Sorting of Search Results for Transactions

(CR# 1463, 1697, 1721)

The following system configuration options can be set to reverse the sort order of transactions in the lookup windows.

Reverse Adj Sort - If on show newest first for Adjustments

Reverse OE Sort - If on show newest first for Sales Orders

Reverse PO Sort - If on show newest first for Purchase Orders

Reverse Rec Sort - If on show newest first for Receiving Transactions

Reverse Tran Sort - If on show newest first for Transfers


Inventory Movement Report - Primary Vendor Added to Selectors

(CR# 982)

The primary vendor from the item file has been added to the selection criteria of the Inventory Movement Report and Inventory Movement Report with Totals.  The vendor field selected for receiving transactions has been renamed Transaction Vendor.  Note that the sorting option for the inventory movement with totals report is based only on the Transaction Vendor.

Inventory Movement Report

oPDF Format

Primary and Transaction Vendors are not displayed

oExport Format

Primary Vendor is displayed

Inventory Movement With Totals Report

oPDF Format

Transaction Vendor is displayed

oExport Format

Primary and Transaction Vendors are displayed


Default Warehouse by Item or Customer

(CR# 1745)

Users may now set a default warehouse globally, at the item and at the customer level.  The system configuration option must be set by the Food Connex support team and may be billable.

Global Invoice Comments - Added to Bill of Lading

(CR# 728)

The global invoice comment will now be printed on the Bill of Lading when the A - All Forms options is selected.

Physical Count - Stability Enhancements

(CR# 1707, 1735)

The physical count screens have been enhanced to prevent 'double-clicks' on the freeze button that were creating incomplete worksheets or duplicate items on worksheets.

Shipping Label - Default Number of Labels Changed

(CR# 730)

The default number of labels will be the quantity shipped.

Promotion Description Will Now Print In Full

(CR# 928)

The promotion description was previously limited to 8 characters when printing on an invoice.  It will now print the full promotion description (approximately 40 characters on most invoices).

Universal Sales Report - Unposted Discounts

(CR# 1743)

A display error has been corrected for the Universal Sales Report.  Discounts for unposted transactions will now display correctly on the report.

Cost Import Routine - Ignore Deleted Price Lists

(CR# 1719)

Deleted price lists will no longer be matched when attempting to import using the Cost Import routine.

Barcode Traceability - Transaction Header Questions Now Printable

(CR# 1777)

Receiving transaction header questions in barcode traceability can now be printed on customer invoices.