Cloud Release 1.027

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Cloud Release 1.027

Features in this update:

iPad and Mobile interface (beta): An interface for iPad and other mobile devices has been developed to allow order entry using a touchscreen interface with a limited keyboard.  The mobile interface will be a paid option and will increase the monthly subscription for Food Connex Cloud by $50.  Users who join us in the beta release will lock in the discounted $50 rate fpr the duration of their Food Connex Cloud subscription.  If you are interested in participating in the iPad Cloud Order Entry beta please contact Casey at (215) 794-7008 x28.

Freight In (Expense Account) and Freight (Income Account):  An additional general ledger account option has been added for users who would like to track Freight separate from their Cost of Goods Sold.  For questions on setting up this new general ledger account please submit a support request at

Freight Cost Calculation Change:  The calculation for freight on purchase orders has been updated to utilize the total catch weight rather than the standard weight of products.  This change will only affect users who are using the freight by pound option.

Universal Sales Report Standardization:  The universal sales report was using posted categories for some reporting options and current categories for other options.  The report has been standardized to use the current categories assigned to an item for reporting.

Inventory Movement Report:  A display error in the Inventory Movement Report has been corrected, totals in the summary lines will now display correctly.