Sales Reporting

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Sales Reporting

The Universal Sales Export is the primary method for reviewing sales information.  To run the Universal Sales Export navigate to:

Reports > Sales > Universal Sales Export


Important Notices:

Sales information can be based on posted and unposted invoices.  Orders in any other status will not be included on the report (U, N, T, R)

The Universal Sales Export can optionally be formatted as an enhanced Excel compatible sylk file. This file type is not suggested for very large reports.

When the Primary Only options for groups and vendors is disabled an item's sales information can be displayed multiple times on a single report.  Carefully review sorting and totaling options when changing these options.


Establish Sales Data Ranges

Sales data can be restricted by Customer, Group, Customer Type, Chain, Salesperson, Item, Item Category, Vendor, or Brand.

Click the blue circle with the white triangle next to any data selector

Enter the starting letters of the data selector you wish to narrow by

Once the selector is displayed in the box below click it to add it to the selected box on the right

Repeat with other data selectors as desired

By default all selectors are active and all data ranges will be displayed in the report



In this example 'ho' was entered as the search characters and the Black Horse Tavern 2 has been selected from the Customer selector.  Only sales information for the Black Horse Tavern 2 will be included in the final report.


Choose to Display Primary or All Groups and Vendors

Customers can belong to multiple groups and Items can be sourced from multiple vendors, these flag determines whether the item's sales will be displayed only with the primary or if secondary groups and vendors will be included.

By default item sales will only display for primary groups and vendors

Uncheck each box to enable sales to display for secondary groups and vendors

If an item has sales for two groups on the same report the sales total will include these duplicated amounts.



Choose a Date Range for the Report

Period Ranges

oThis Month

oLast Month

oThis Year

oLast Year



oThis Week

oLast Week

Select Ranges

oBy Year, Month or Week

oCurrent or Prior

oNumber of Weeks or Months

Date ranges

oEnter Starting and Ending Date


Detail or Summary and Report Types

These report type options determine how the report will be sorted and displayed. Based on the report type options detail fields (in the Pick Fields section below) will be hidden or displayed.  For example sales information summarized by customer does not have the option to display item IDs.  To see detailed item sales sorted by customer print a detail report with only the customer or group you wish to display active in the Sales Data Range.


Report Type

oDetail - Individual line item data for each sale will be displayed.

oSummary by Invoice - Sales information will be summarized by invoice.

oSummary by Customer - Sales information will be summarized by customer.

oSummary by Group - Sales information will be summarized by customer group.

By default sales will only be displayed in the primary group.

Display sales for all groups by changing the All Groups selector

oSummary by Customer Type - Sales information will be summarized by customer type.

oSummary by Chain - Sales information will be summarized by customer chain.

oSummary by Salesperson - Sales information will be summarized by salesperson.

oSummary by Item - Sales information will be summarized by item.

oSummary by Category - Sales information will be summarized by item category.

oSummary by Vendor - Sales information will be summarized by item vendor.

By default sales will only be displayed in the primary vendor.

Display sales for all groups by changing the All Vendors selector.

oSummary by Brand - Sales information will be summarized by item brand.

oSummary by Route - Sales information will be summarized by route.

Export Format

oStandard Export CSV - Recommended for most reporting

oEnhanced Explort SYLK - An enhanced format with pre-made borders and headings

Data Source

oPosted Invoices Only

oUnposted Invoices Only

oPosted and Unposted Invoices


Pick Fields

Pick fields describe the columns that will be included on the report.  Each report has a default set of pick fields pre-selected but many other data fields can be added to a report.  The pick fields that are available depend on the Report Type selected.  If you do not see a particular field you would like to include on the report type you would like to run select the detail report then re-sort the data in your spreadsheet program.


Customer Info Section

oCustomer Code

oCustomer Name

oShipto Name

oChain Code

oChain Name

oCustomer Address (Billing)

oCustomer City (Billing)

oCustomer State (Billing)

oCustomer Zip (Billing)

oCustomer Phone (Billing)

oShipto Address

oShipto City

oShipto State

oShipto Phone



Invoice Info Section

oInvoice Number

oInvoice Date

oOrder Number



Item Info Section

oItem Code





oReturn Reason

Quantity Info Section

oCases Sold

oEaches Sold

oWeight Sold

Price Info Section




oNet Price

oExtended Price

oExtended Cost

oGP$ (Gross Profit Dollars)

oGP% (Gross Profit Percentage)

Cost Info Section

oSales Cost

oCogs (Cost of Goods Sold)

oTrue Cost

oSalesperson Cost

oAverage Cost

oInvoice Cost

oMarket Cost

oFIFO Cost

Posted Addon Info Section


oMisc (Charges)

oDiscount (or Spoilage)



Load and Save Feature

Sales reports formats are saved specific to the user creating the report.  To save a new report options set:

Make report format selections to create your new report

Click the 'Save' button in the bottom left of the screen

Enter a unique description for the report

Check the "Save as new" box if this is new report

Click Save button to save