Release 1.086 - July 2023

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Release 1.086 - July 2023

Enhancements and New Features

Duplicate Transaction Numbers Enabled in QuickBooks Online


Users will no longer receive an error if a transaction or invoice number had been previously used in QuickBooks Online.  The document will always have a unique txnId which can be viewed in the browser bar, and in the AR inquiry in Food Connex (283 in the example below.)  It is unlikely that the duplicated transaction or invoice number would occur on the same customer in normal use.  Food Connex will never generate an internal duplicate invoice number, this would only occur if an invoice or transaction is generated in QuickBooks using a number in the Food Connex sequence.

Customer Re-Order Report / Price List Options Screen Change

The customer re-order report screen has had additional options added and has been re-organized.
Customers can now be selected by primary route of the default ship-to address.
Items can now be selected by Category
The Effective Date has been moved to the top of the right column.
Price based options have been grouped together.
Availability based options have been grouped together.

Report Sharing

Secured Resource: Allow sharing of saved reports to other users
After saving a report a new Share option will be available on the Load button saved report screen.

After clicking the share icon select the users to share the report to:
The users that has received a shared report can now load that report by clicking the load button on their login.
The user of a shared report cannot update the original, but they can save a copy of the report under their username with different options.
If the original sharer updates their report by loading and saving again, all shared users will receive the updated report.

Picking / Production / Re-Order Report - Additional Sorting Options


When sorting by Route a new option is available to show and sort by stop number (Stop No).  If selected the stop number will print to the right of the route and begin a new subsection with each change in stop number.

Signed Invoice Upload - Document Management

Secured Resources:
Order Query: Upload Invoice Button
Order Query: Reprint Invoice Button
When enabled users will be able to click the Signed Invoice button on the Order Query Screen to upload a signed invoice (scanned or digitally signed and saved as a pdf.)  Once uploaded a Reprint Invoice option will be available.
This feature is entering Beta testing and will require a Tier 2 or higher subscription.
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After selecting Reprint Invoice to reprint the uploaded invoice select the checkbox.

Available Credit and A/R Balance Display in Order Entry


Secured Resources:
Order: A/R Balance - View
Order: Available Credit - View
When enabled will display the balance and available credit in the order header.


Always Available: Item Setup Flag


A new option has been added to the item file called: Always Available
If enabled the item will be treated as always having a positive availability.
This feature will bypass most insufficient or unavailable stock checks in order entry.

Order Query - View Order Log


Secured Resource: Order Query: View Order Log Button
When enabled a View Order Log button will display in the order query allowing users to see additional information about the order including create date and when emails have been sent.  Additional tracking information will be added to this log in the future.


Credit Management Report


Reports > Accounting > Credit Management
Secured Resource: Credit Management
A new report is available to assist in managing credit limits.
Customer Code
Customer Name
Balance                        Current Balance including open invoices
Credit                        Current Credit Limit
Available Credit                Balance - Credit
LW Sales                        Average weekly sales over last 21 days
Credit Needed                LW Sales multiplied by Wks Terms
Credit Deficit                Current Credit Limit - Credit Needed:  Negative numbers may indicate a need for credit limit increase, positive numbers indicate credit limit may be too high.
Wks Terms                Number of days in terms divided by seven rounded up.  May fluctuate for day of month based terms.
Sales Terms
Last Sale Date                Posted or Unposted Invoices included

Catch Weight Box: Display Item Code


Item Code will now display in the catch weight box header for inventory transactions.

Pick Label Format - 3x2 with Allocated Lot and Order barcode


An additional pick label format for ZPL printers is now available.
Requires Tier 4 Lot Control due to use of Pre-Allocated Lot information.

Additional Lot Control Attribute Field Types Added


Lot Control users can now select the Internal Lot Number (unique numeric within Food Connex) or the displayed Lot Number (user override of Internal Lot Number) as a Field Type Attribute for use in reporting and labeling.
LotNo - Lot Number : Will display the user overridable lot field information
LotNo Internal - Internal Lot : Will display the unique numeric lot

New Shellfish Tag Generation and Management Option


A new method for creating Shellfish Tags has been implemented.  The previous method made use of item specifications to store Shellfish Tag information.  The new method will utilize lot records.  No changes should be noticed for existing users at this point.
Cost Export - Can now include Average Cost

Average cost cannot currently be updated in the cost import, this option is for export only.


System Stability Improvements


Detailed QuickBooks logging for Desktop editions re-enabled.


PO Worksheet Option 3 batch size column corrected.


When displaying invoice as a level in the query the invoice number will display.


Inventory movement report posted date column corrected to reduce ? responses.

Work orders will now automatically recalculate on leave of charges window and no longer require a page refresh.


PO Update Import will allow expected date to be overridden at the line level.


Purchase Order Screen will now display create date in header under title Date Entered.

Corrected navigation when hitting next button within a single master maintenance lookup for customers or items.


Price key export will now obey include/exclude inactive items on both worksheets.