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To created or update a physical count navigate to:

Inventory > Processing > Physical


Important Notices:

Physical counts cannot be undone once posted.  Be absolutely certain to review your variance report before posting the physical count.

All items on the physical count must be counted.  An item that is not counted will be treated as if a 0 was entered and inventory will be set to 0 for that item.

Initial physical counts will often create large journal entries that will need to be adjusted or removed to create the correct starting inventory value.


Starting a new Physical Count

Click the +Add button in the bottom right of the Physical Count screen

Select the Warehouse you will be counting in.

Name the physical count (many customers find a date based name beneficial)


Freeze Inventory Items

Navigate to the Freeze tab of the physical count screen to choose the items you will be counting and freeze them for counting.  Inventory transactions should not be posted once a freeze has been started until the physical count is complete.  Items that are frozen must be counted.

Narrow the selection of items using the option boxes provided.  Uncheck a box to enter a single choice or range of choices.

Select whether to include items with 0 Quantities on Hand in the system

Click the Freeze Items button when the selections are complete.


Review and Print a Physical Count Worksheet

Navigate to the Worksheet tab of the physical count screen to generate a count worksheet.  The worksheet can be sorted by Item Vendor, Item Brand, Item Category or by Pick Location and Slot.  Selectors are available to print additional information on the report or export the report to excel.

Click the Worksheet button to generate the report.

Carefully review the worksheet, all items on this worksheet must be counted.  If items appear on this worksheet that you do not wish to count delete the physical count and start again using more refined selectors on the Freeze screen.


Count and Enter Counts

Complete inventory count using the count worksheets then navigate to the Count tab of the Physical Count screen.

Change the navigation (top right) to match the sort sequence selected on the worksheet screen.

Enter the number of cases, number of eaches, and total pounds from the count sheet.

Use the blue arrows in the navigation section to move to the next item.

An individual item can be searched by entering the Item ID or Description into the Item box (top left).


Review and Print the Variance Register

Navigate to the Variance/Register tab of the Physical Count Screen.  

Change the sort option to match the sort option selected for the worksheet.

Choose options to display on Register.

Click Variance button to generate register.

Carefully review the register for changes.  Changes posted on a physical count cannot be undone.

Save the register for future reference.


Post Physical Inventory Count

Navigate to the Post tab of the physical count screen.

Review the screen carefully and take note of the number of items not counted.  These items will be marked as having 0 inventory.  

If there are any questions go back and reprint and review the variance register.

Click the post button to post the physical count.