Open Orders Export

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Open Orders Export

To Enable

The open order report contains cost and profitability information so must be added to a user role before it can be used.  Navigate to System > Security > Roles and add the role 'Open Order Export'

This report contains cost and profitability information so please only apply the resource to qualified users.




To Run the Report

Navigated to Reports > Order > Open Order Export

Restrict Results by Order Information




oCustomer Type



oOrder Status

Restrict Results by Item Information

oItem ID





oPick Location

Restrict Results by Date Range

oOrder Date Range

oDate Needer Range

Restrict Results by Order Number Range


Select Report Format (Detail or Summary)

oReport Type - Based on selection fields available for reporting will be reduced.

Detail - Display line item detail

Order Summary - Summarize report by order.

Item Summary - Summarize report by item

oExport Format

SYLK - Excel Compatible Output

CSV - Comma Separated Value File, useful for very large file outputs.

TXT - Pipe delimited file, used for custom outputs.

oExclude Intangible Items

Unchecked - Intangible items will be included

Checked - Intangible items will not be included

oReport Options In Export (Defaults to Checked)

Unchecked - The reporting options will not display at the top of the export.  The first row will contain the column names as a header.

Checked - The reporting options will display at the top of the export.  This is very useful for reviewing your selections.


Pick Fields - Fields to be included on the export.  Based on the report format selected some fields may become unavailable.

oOrder Info: Order Number, Order Date, Date Needed, Salesperson, Route, Stop, Customer PO #, Department, Ship Via, Total Freight, Total Misc. Charges, Total Discount/Spoilage, Total Tax

oCustomer Info: Customer Code, Customer Name, Ship To Name, Chain Code, Chain Name, Customer Address, Customer City, Customer State, Customer Zip, Customer Phone, ShipTo Address, ShipTo City, ShipTo State, ShipTo Zip, ShipTo Phone, Group, Type, External Code**

oItem Info: Item Code, Item Description, Category, Line Item Comment, Brand, Vendor, Return Reason, Warehouse, Spec Code, Spec Description, Location, Slot, External Code**

oQty Info: Quantities Ordered, Shipped, Invoices, Left (unshipped), Total Available, Total On Order (POs) by Cases, Eaches and Weight (lb or kg)

oPrice Info: Price, Promotion, Discount, Net Price, Suggested Price

oExtended Price Info: Extended Price for Ordered, Shipped, Invoiced, and Left (unshipped).  Extended Order Promotion, Extended Order Discount.

oCost/GP Info: Sales Cost, Cost of Goods Sold, Billing Unit of Measure, Gross Profit %, Gross Profit Dollars for Ordered, Shipped, Invoiced, and Left (unshipped).

oExtended Cost Info: Extended (Sales) Cost for Ordered, Shipped, Invoiced, and Left (unshipped). Extended Cost of Goods Sold for Ordered, Shipped, Invoiced, and Left (unshipped).

**External Code: Is a custom field for users that require additional identifiers for customers or items on the open order export.

Sample Uses:

Order Weight and Shipping Area Review for Routing:

oRestrict by Date Needed

oSummarize by Order


Order Info:

Order Number



Customer Info:

Cust Name

ShipToAddress (City, State, Phone as desired)

Qty Info:

CS Ordered

Wgt Ordered

Pending Order Sales Volume and Profitability Review:

oRestrict by Date Needed

oSummarize by Order


Order Info:

Order Number

Customer Info:

Cust Name

Qty Info:

CS Ordered

Wgt Ordered

Extended Price Info

Extended Price Ordered

Cost/GP Info

GP %

GP $ Ordered

Lost Profit Due to Insufficient Stock

oRestrict by Order Status: Invoiced, Ready to Invoice

oSummarize by Item


Item Info:


Cost/GP Info

GP $ Left