Release 1.039 - Aug 2015

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Release 1.039 - Aug 2015

Reporting and Export Changes

Several of the Food Connex Cloud reports have been enhanced with new functionality.  Please carefully review the list below as you may notice changes when running your reports.

CR1414:Picking Production Re-Order Report

The report will now obey the all selection criteria options (Warehouse, Location, Category, Item, Customer, Route, Vendor, Order Status) for all format and summary selections.  Previously the restriction options were only available on select reports.

CR0536: Item Export Will Obey "View Inactive"

The Item Export report will now only show inactive items if the "View Inactive" system configuration option is set to true.  Please note that the View Inactive has the description of "View Inactive Items in Item Lookups."

CR0706: Inventory Movement Report will display Total Poundage Report End

Total poundage has been added to the end of the Inventory Movement Report


Onscreen Display and Behavior Changes

The following changes can affect the onscreen display and processing behavior.

CR1532: Order Entry Header View and Update Controls

New secured resources have been added to allow for greater control over the Header Information on the Order Entry Screen.  A pair of secured resources have been added for each of the following fields.  The resource labeled view will display the field on screen, the resource with just the field name will enable the user to update the field.  A user must have the view option enabled in order to update.  These resources will be added to all user roles as all users currently have these options:

Order: Customer PO

Order: PO Date

Order: Route

Order: Sales Terms

Order: Salesperson

Order: Ship Method

Order: Stop

Order: Tax Code

Order: Warehouse


CR1150: Unship-All Confirmation on Fill & Ship Screen

Users will now be prompted to Accept or Cancel the Unship-All action on the Fill & Ship Screen to prevent accidental clearing of shipped data.

CR0489: Default Sales Terms

A new system config "Terms Default: Default Sales Terms" has been added.  Once set it will determine the default sales terms that will be used for new customer creation.  Please be sure to set this to a valid sales term.

CR1425: Pack Size in Price Look Up (PLU) Screen

A configuration option has been added to display the Pack Size in the PLU screen.  When the system configuration option "Pack on PLU Screen: Add Pack Size on PLU Screen" is set to true the pack size will be appended to the description.  The Pack Size display is limited to 40 characters.

CR1217: Delete Utilities

The following data files can now be marked as deleted and will no longer display in the system once deleted.  Please be aware that data deleted can not be recovered.

Warehouse (must have no outstanding transactions)

Price List


Price Keys

Sales Terms

Data Handling and Reliability Improvements

The following changes will affect Data Handling and Reliability.

CR1465: Cost Load File Size Limit Increased

Users importing large cost, price and item file updates using the cost load utility will see improved import speed and handling of large files.

CR1443: On Order Quantity Calculation Adjustment

Calculation of the On Order Quantity has been adjusted to handle multiple changes to the received quantity during the PO Receiving process.

CR1544: SWAMI PO Receiving Adjustment for Firefox

A recent Firefox update caused a conflict in the SWAMI PO Receiving logic.  This has been resolved to allow scanning to continue in Firefox.

CR1391: Purchase Order Next/Previous Navigation

The Next/Previous navigation arrows in the purchase order area will now obey the PO Status selection rather than reverting to All Status options.

CR1532: Cloud to Enterprise Orphaned Orders

Users of our Cloud to Enterprise Order Entry system will be able to set a number of days after which submitted orders will be deleted if they have not been invoiced and posted.  This is to clear orders that have been canceled after having been submitted.